Helpful Websites for Web Designers

RGB Color Chart

RGB Color Chart This is a site that provides the names and codes for some very basic colors that can be used in HTML as well as photoshop and indesign. It is very useful when in need of a quick color.

HTML Coding

Html Coding Website
This website is great when you need help with the basics of coding in HTML. It has great links that send you to quick codes and helpful tips on HTML Coding. its great when you need just a quick reminder of how to code certain things.

Backgrounds for your homepage

Web Design Concepts
This web page is great if you are a beginner to web design and you are looking for tips and tools of the trade. It is a blog site which goes indepth about website design concepts and principles. It isi very helpful when designing a website to know what everyone in the industry is thinking or using.

youtube Youtube is a great resource for all your coding and design needs. You can search for turotials on any adobe program or website issue you might be having and experts have most likely made videos addressing the issue you are having. It is wonderful to have a "mini" lecture from an online source to help you through most of the issues you will have regarding design and adobe. Youtube is a wonderful resource for begining web and graphic designers.